First stop....Why not a photoshoot by the Eiffel Tower! It was amazing to see it in person.
I never scene anything so tall! We were going to try to get to the top but there was just so many people trying to do the same thing!
Exploring the city... The church at the Les Invalides where we saw Napolean Bonaparte's tomb.
Church of Notre Dame. Beautiful Gothic Cathedral.
King Louis Palace. This Palace was ginourmous. The Palace had paintings and murals everywhere, so you were always looking up. (see picture below haha). The garden was miles long and we even took a detour and snuck in some places!

Musee De Louvre where the famous Mona Lisa is held. It was surprisingly small.
Our feet were tired but we kept on moving. The church with the view of the city and a crazy soccer juggler showing off his tricks.

So why not top the day off with some delicious beer :)
Spencer and I ventured to see the Arc de Triomphe who honors those who died in the French Revolutionary war. Up top it had a gorgeous 360 view of Paris. There, you can really see how big it is!

We watched the World Cup game USA vs Ghana and we will never forget that night. They had a jumbo monitor in front of the Eiffal Tower and it was insane! We had quite a few USA people but Ghana fans were insane! I ended up punching a guy and Tanya got a little crazy on one to when they taunted us after scoring and winning in overtime. We had a close encounter with Ghana fans at the metro also. Lets just say we made it back to the Hostel. It was an experience for sure and I am not a fan of Ghana fans. But the Eiffel tower was really pretty when it lit up at at night when it sparkled!

Well Paris was an adventure for sure. It was really big and you could literally spend a whole week there and still not see everything! But three days was good for me. I am not the city type so I will stay with the adventure land. Paris was surprisingly really dirty behind the pictures. The metro was my least favorite, it was crowded and smelled of urine and b.o. Besides that I would have to say everything went well in Paris! Ciao! This was the last journey on our backpacking itinerary. Off to Zurich and a 12 hr flight home!