The next stop on our list is Amsterdam! I am really excited to see this place and don't know what to expect. All I have heard about Amsterdam is the Red Light D
As soon as we arrive we already have an incident with the trams... but it was a funny one none the less. We hop on the tram to take us to the center and the doors close as it departs. Spencer isn't on. He is standing outside while we are riding off. Oh Spencer here we go again...Hopefully he will get the next one and find the hostel! We arrive at our stop and Nick gets off then all of a sudden in the five seconds of stopping the doors close on us and me and Tanya are stuck on the tram till the next stop. We just start laughing really ha
rd about to pee our pants because this would happen to all of us. So we catch a tram back to
Nick and manage to hustle off the tram. Those were some speedy doors on those trams! We end up at the Hostel and miraculously Spencer actually beats us there! The fun has already started! This is place is crazy and there are bicyclists everywhere... in fact I had a few close encounters with a few.
I hostel was located next to Vondell Park and the canals. It was within walking distance to ever
ything. We decided to go get dinner and explore a little for the evening. Amsterdam was so unique. The roads were cobblestone and it is a city built on canals. It was so pretty and quaint. Boat taxis went up and down the canals, the houses were connected to each other and were actually crooked! It looked like an illusion and the atmosphere was just so alive! We decided to check out our first Coffeeshop. I had no clue what to expect and was a little wierded out by it. The Coffee shop smelled of smoke and there were menus to order all sorts of flavors and different joints of all different prices. You can even roll it your self! How convenient!
Amsterdam has amazing shopping...shops everywhere. Too bad I only had limit on what I can actually carry... so Tanya and I got some sweet leather jackets.
Spencer can eat this car.
Another highlight of Amsterdam is the famous Red Light District and hopefully you don't find the occasional blue light! I didn't know what to expect, actually I didn't know what the RLD was! We ventured to it and there were prostitutes in windows selling themselves! Holy crap that was a scene. It was really crazy at night and we would see guys do in the doors... Hmm. We dared Spencer to ask how much and he did! It was an experience for sure.
This is one of my favorite pictures I took....
We also visited the first Coffeeshop ever. The Bulldog!
Amsterdam was one of my favorite stops. Everything about it was so unique and gorgeous and awesome place to take some pictures. Eating a sandwich overlooking the canals or
exploring the strange red light district this place is a must see!
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