We got on our overnight train to Prague, Czech Republic. It was only supposed to be a six hour train ride... well to say the least it ended up being a 14 hour journey because there was detour on the tracks. Lets just say it was a really long ride and our overnight train cabin was the size of a shoebox!
Our destination has arrived. Please exit the train. Now off to the hostel. Praha is really cheap, but then it adds up. We stayed in Praha for 3 days wondering around the beautiful city. We checked out a cemetery from the holocaust, Prague castle, and watched the matches. And their currency goes by Crowns with really large numbers on your bills! It was weird. Praha is a Gothic city with cobblestone roads and amazing architecture of gothic gargoyles and statues everywhere surrounded by a river.
We even did a pub crawl to have some night fun and lets just say we were the coolest girls there with the best dance moves! Tanya and I decided to be twin sisters Taylor and Peyton. It worked quite well. We partied all night with some crazy people and ended up getting back to the hostel at 4 am and it was sunrise. We forgot to go to bed... oops. And now we have to pack and leave to the train station in 2 hours. Now this is where it get interesting and really funny.. not at the time but when we look back on it later! We get back to the hostel and we are still drunk and Spencer is in bed sleeping. He headed back a little earlier than us. I take shower to wake up and rinse the sweat off from dancing! It is about 5 am and I am packing and try to sleep for 30 min. I am exhausted and wake Spencer up. We are supposed to catch the bus at 6:50 to catch are train leaving at 6:31 am. He still has to pack. We hustle and sprint to the bus and we miss it. We are freaking out and are all still trying to sober up. We hop on the next bus at 6:12 am. We get to the station at 6:27 am. Holy crap we are about to miss our train... It is time to SPRINT!!! We book it through the station yelling trying to find our gate. I never new my cousin Nick was so fast. We are all running out of breath from being drunk/ trying to sprint with a 35 lb backpack on you. Let me just tell you it wasn't that easy. We swerve around the corner, up the stairs and scramble on the train. Two seconds later the door closes and the train departs. WE MADE IT!!! And now I can't breath... actually neither of us can. Water please. I don't think I have ever sprinted so hard or Spencer for that fact. It looked like we were in a movie chasing a train and I feel that this experience of running drunk to catch a train was necessary for a REAL backpacking experience!! Well now its time for shut eye and six hour train ride to Berlin. Hello headphones with Mr. Jack Johnson and my eye covers I snatched from the plane ride. Then spencer looses his train pass and we make him go hide from the evil ticket checking lady person. That didn't last long.. so he had to buy a ticket. But in the end we eventually made it to Berlin!
Berlin was just a day trip to cut the trip to Amsterdam short and to catch up on rest. We were in need of that for sure. We rented bikes and followed the Berlin wall. My butt hurt at the end of that day!

The wall had really pretty artwork on each piece.
It was a really really long bike ride following a really really long wall.
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