Thursday, February 3, 2011

I wanted to call this place home...So I almost did.

Firenze is my best friend Whitney's place to call home. Whitney is living there for a whole year, exploring the beautiful country and Europe itself. Olivia is her best friend from Sonoma. She traveled with me right after Christmas. Unlike me... she is staying in Firenze for a good 6 months. Talk about living the dream right? I almost didn't come home... really. If only I had a visa I would not be sitting in this 70 degree weather in sunny San Diego right now.  I would be walking the cobblestone streets in a pea coat with newly acquired Italian leather boots with a cute scarf to accessorize while sipping on delicious cafe lattes with the hopes of exquisite Sicilian Pici for dinner. I know what you are thinking... how could I have left the beautiful frigid cold ancient city behind to go home to the beaches of sunny San Diego right? Well it was really hard. Just ask Whit and Olivia. It was on my mind everyday. What if I just stay? I can take a semester off and just travel? What about the PB house and Cheyenne (my best friend at home)? I should have planned this out a little better. I need my MOM!!!!

But after coming to my senses (of not having visa and a passport only allows you to stay 90 days) it was the only choice to come home. But why am I complaining? I stayed in Italy and traveled to Pisa, Rome, and Venice in 13 days while meeting amazing people Whitney met. I drank red wine every night (I actually liked it) and experienced the most insane new years that will probably ever happen to me. And how can I forget... I almost cried when I discovered the real authentic Italian cuisine : Pici!!! But this was not it... I was off to Switzerland to SNOWBOARD the alps and hang out with the cousins and family!

But why was I feeling like I was missing out on everything even though I was doing everything...? It was because I was leaving Whit and Olivia and the whole experience of living in a foreign country. They are doing it, eating it, experiencing it, going everywhere, seeing it.... I am ... simply ... not. But enough of the attitude I wish I was there.. I went. I saw. And I got some amazing photos. That was my favorite part... looking for the unique shots to capture. To tell a story in one picture and to have so many stories behind it. I accomplished that part indefinitely. I am posting pictures and it was really hard not to edit all and post them. So I chose a few that I love from everywhere I went. ENJOY!

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